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Training WordPress Training – 3 days

Class overview :

In this WordPress training class, you will start with the basics of setting up WordPress and learn how to create and maintain a successful WordPress site.


Class goals :

  • Learn how to get started with WordPress, create new content, and import existing content.
  • Learn to change what appears on a home page, blog post, and more.
  • Learn to handle media uploads, audio/video players, and podcasting.
  • Learn to create themes, widgets, and plugins.
  • Learn to publish, move, maintain, and secure your WordPress sites.

Content of WordPress Training

  1. Introduction
    1. Blogging vs. content management
    2. Why WP?
    3. WP’s CMS capabilities
    4. Major sites using WP
  2. Installation
    1. Requirements
  3. Settings
    1. Reading settings
    2. Discussion: comments and trackbacks
    3. Permalinks
      1. Category base
      2. Short URLs
  4. Working with content
    1. Posts
      1. Content
      2. Permalinks
      3. Publish Settings
      4. Categories
      5. Tags
      6. Featured Images
      7. Excerpts
      8. Comments and Trackbacks
      9. Custom Fields
    2. Pages
      1. Page Attributes: Template, Parent, Menu Order
    3. Posts vs. Pages: Same But Different
      1. Posts are Pages; Pages are Posts
      2. Editing Posts and Pages
    4. Media
      1. Images and Galleries
      2. Video
      3. Audio
      4. Other File Types
      5. Links
      6. Feeds
  5. Importing content
    1. From blogs
      1. Blogger
      2. WordPress
    2. From Joomla
    3. From Other MySQL Sites
      1. Drupal
    4. From static files
  6. Creating a basic theme
    1. Using widgets
    2. Using menus
      1. Creating a menu
      2. Editing menu items
      3. Creating multiple menus
      4. Using header and background images
    3. Turning HTML into a WP Theme
      1. Body and post classes
      2. The Loop
    4. Template tags
    5. Theme file hierarchy
    6. Listing comments
    7. Including additional files
    8. Styling content
    9. Changing appearance based on context
      1. Conditional tags
      2. body and post classes
      3. posts vs. pages
      4. Archives: date, category, author
      5. Search results
    10. Creating navigation menus
      1. Custom navigation tag
      2. Page lists and page menus
      3. Category lists
    11. Theme functions
      1. Setting up widgets
      2. Enabling menus
      3. Enabling featured images (post thumbnails)
      4. Enabling custom background images
      5. Enabling shortcodes in text widgets
      6. Changing excerpt length and ellipsis
    12. Child themes
      1. Child theme file hierarchy
    13. Troubleshooting themes
  7. Creating an advanced theme
    1. Modifying the Loop
      1. Excluding a category from the home page
      2. Showing only one category on the home page
      3. Showing most recent pages instead of posts
      4. Looping through all children of a page
      5. Listing attached files
    2. Multiple Loops
      1. Resetting the query
      2. A Loop for each category
      3. Showing the author’s other recent posts
    3. Accessing post information outside the Loop
    4. SEO
      1. Improving the title tag
      2. Using categories and tags as keywords
      3. Using the excerpt as a description
      4. Shortlinks and canonical URLs
    5. Adding scripts and stylesheets
      1. Using JavaScript libraries
      2. Adding your own scripts
      3. Conditionally adding scripts
      4. Adding stylesheets
    6. Outside the theme hierarchy: database errors and maintenance messages
    7. Theme options
      1. Adding an options page
      2. Registering options
      3. Creating an options form
      4. Adding a stylesheet to the options page
    8. Theme frameworks
    9. Theme frameworks
    10. Distributing themes
      1. Theme checklist
  8. Creating widgets
    1. Basic widgets
    2. Dashboard widgets
      1. Configuration screens
  9. Creating plugins
    1. Creating a template tag
    2. Adding an options page
    3. Setting defaults and updating options with the settings API
    4. Plugin possibilities
      1. Creating a shortcode
      2. Checking for capabilities
    5. Hooks: filters and actions
      1. Actions
      2. Filters
    6. Variations on option pages
      1. Adding other submenus
      2. Adding a top-level menu item
      3. Adding a section to an existing option page
    7. Publishing a plugin
      1. Readme files and screenshots
      2. Subversion (SVN)
      3. Localization and internationalization
  10. Working with users
    1. Profiles
      1. Extending profiles
    2. Roles
      1. Changing capabilities
      2. Creating roles
      3. Removing roles
      4. Managing roles with plugins
    3. Workflow
      1. Notifications
      2. Moderation
      3. Improving workflow with plugins
  11. Performance and Security
    1. Caching
      1. Setting up WP Super Cache
    2. Permalinks and performance
    3. Tracking down performance problems
    4. Securing logins
      1. Login Lockdown
      2. SSL
    5. Removing the meta generator tag
    6. File permissions
      1. Securing .htaccess and wp-config.php
    7. Changing file locations
      1. Moving wp-config.php
      2. Giving WordPress its own subdirectory
      3. Moving wp-content
    8. Database security
      1. Changing the table prefix
      2. Backing up the database and files
    9. Monitoring security problems
  12. Custom content types, taxonomies, and fields
    1. Creating taxonomies
      1. Non-hierarchical (like tags)
      2. Hierarchical (like categories)
      3. Using custom taxonomies
    2. Custom content types
      1. non-hierarchical (like posts)
      2. hierarchical (like pages)
      3. Custom taxonomies for custom content types
      4. Including custom content types in the Loop
      5. Feeds for custom content types
    3. Custom fields
      1. Creating the custom fields
      2. Verifying and saving user input
  13. The Network
    1. Requirements
      1. Subdomains
      2. Subfolders
    2. Activating the network
    3. Configuring the network
    4. Network users
      1. Splogs
    5. Network plugins and themes
      1. Plugin and theme options
    6. Upgrading the network
    7. Mapping domains
    8. BuddyPress
WordPress Training
Training WordPress Training

Onze voordelen :

  • Type of training: Inter-company, intra-company and individual
  • 100% flexible & personalised training : You choose the place, the dates and the training program
  • Offer request : Response within 24 hours
  • 50% discount for SME’s from Brussels-Capital Region
  • Free parking, lunch & drinks
  • Free use of our Digital Competence Centre: Manuals, courses, exercises, …


Rue Beeckmans, 53
1180 Bruxelles

Tel : +32 2 648 84 63
Gsm : +32 477 789 445
Email :

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